Adoi penatnya membeli-belah di Pasar Payang. Beli sayur, ikan, daging dan beli kuih-muih adalah kewajiban Haziq. Hahaha..Lepas membeli-belah, Haziq sekeluarga menggunakan satu kemudahan yang murah, selamat dan menyeronokkan untuk balik ke Tok Jembal. Boleh teka apa dia? Mestilah bot tambang.
Untuk pengetahuan anda, bot penambang adalah satu pengangkutan utama bagi penduduk Seberang Takir. Mereka menggunakan pengangkutan ini untuk berkunjung ke bandar. Walaubagaimanapun, setelah Jambatan Sultan Mahmud siap dan beroperasi, bot penambang seolah-olah diketepikan dan hanya segikintir yang menggunakan pengangkutan tradisi ini.
Kami berkereta ke jeti Seberang Takir dan tempat letak keretanya tidak dikenakan bayaran. Harga tambang bagi pelajar sekolah ialah 50 sen manakala dewasa berharga RM1. Pengalaman menaiki bot penambang ini adalah sesuatu pengalaman yang tidak boleh dilupakan seumur hidup Haziq. Haziq berasa berdebar ketika bot yang dinaiki itu dioleng ombak yang terjadi apabila sebuah bot nelayan yang besar melintasi bot yang kami naiki.
Tetapi, pengalaman jurumudi mengimbangkan bot tersebut sangat kami kagumi. Beliau pantas mematikan enjin dan menyuruh kami untuk bertenang. Jadi, kalau nak rasa macam mana perasaan menaiki bot tambang seperi Haziq, pastikan anda tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mencuba pengangkutan tradisi ini.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Bot Tambang oh Bot Tambang....
Posted by Hajiku-chan at 5:43 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
TTI.....what a meal tummy started to grumble. Oh I couldn't wait to taste the delicious food that me and my family ordered.
Before we went to B'Benteng TTI, my mum and sis went to a boutique to buy some cloth. We were hungry after that, we did not know where to eat. It was a looooooong time we did not come to TTI. During the first few months we moved to KT, we would came here to take some cool breeze and it is my favourite spot to do my homework. But then I came busy as I was ready for the biggest hurdle last year. So we went to the B'Benteng for some evening meal.
However, it turned out to be our dinner! There were various type of food and it is so marvellous. My mom ordered a Nasi Briyani Arab, my dad asked the waiter a Roti Canai while I ate a Shish Tawook (a grilled chicken breast and a mini chapati). Yummmmmmmmy!
I was hungry as a wolf, I just thought I could eat a whole zebra. Then the waiter gave our food and drinks. Oh! It is so good, no I mean great, no I mean FANTASTIC! Shish Tawook's chicken is well marinated with spices and it is well cooked too. The Roti Canai is delicious too. Mum's Nasi Briyani Arab is good, that was why I took some rice from her to enjoy the taste with the Shish Tawook.
Later, my sister was dying to eat the desserts we ordered, ABC and 'cendol'! It was swwwwwwwwwweeet! And the cendol is very cold, I felt I froze my tounge, huhuhuhu!
It was a fine dinner we had. As we tried to relax, I asked my dad to take a picture of me. There is an island, so....
Well that's all for now. I think I talked too much. So, hoping you still keep in touch with me.
Posted by Hajiku-chan at 3:53 AM 0 comments